On 20 July 2012 13:52, Mateusz Marzantowicz <mmarzantow...@osdf.com.pl> wrote:
> On 20.07.2012 11:28, Ian Malone wrote:
>> On 20 July 2012 08:45, Shibi <zzgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> File has been transferred to the disc caching, but the cache hasn't
>>>> transferred to the media?
>>> the copy dialog is destroyed as soon as transfer to cache is being
>>> completed, but file transfer from cache to media is still going on while
>>> there is no indication of it on screen.
>> This might be something that needs improved, if you don't notice or
>> your device doesn't have a transfer light (some USB sticks might not
>> and on other devices it's less obvious) then you could end up taking
>> it out while data is still writing. It's not uncommon to find yourself
>> copying files while in a hurry.
> This is why USB sticks should be unmounted first (safely removed). It's
> a bad habit to just unplug your stick.

Entirely true and also sometimes possible to forget. As a different
bug F16 has a habit of remounting sticks if you don't remove them
quickly enough so even then you need to be careful.

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