Am 19.07.2012 12:00, schrieb Aero Maxx:
> I have a raid 1/10 setup working great doing what it does, but the /var 
> partition which I wasn't aware of until now
> is where my mysql database are stored and this isn't on the raid 10, thats 
> not that much of an issue, I would be
> gutted if I lost the data though, but the main issue is that its now become 
> full.
> Where you recommend for this /var to be put, or should I just make that 
> partition bigger ? for it to be raided that
> would be very nice.

i usually have a very small / and things like mysql-data
on a own RAID10 mounted under /data where are nearly all
non-system-data and /var/log as bind-mount on the data-partition

this way / does not get filled and if the OS should be reinstalled
i have not to care about backup data

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