On Fri, 2012-08-10 at 03:11 -0700, jdow wrote:
> For example:
> header  JD_USER_SPIKE   To =~ /spike@foobar\.com/
> describe JD_USER_SPIKE  Email to self from self
> score   JD_USER_SPIKE   0.001
> Change the score to what you think it should be. Monitor how received
> spam changes. Monitor how mismarked ham changes. (You ARE a member of
> a mailing list, you know.) And decide to keep it or not.

Though, on this list, mail is addressed to the list, not the recipient.
So his own mail to this list shouldn't affect scoring spam that's only
assessing to address.  As his address won't be in there.

For other lists, your caution stands.

And the original poster must remember that it's not just a case of
flagging those particular messages as spam.  With some anti-spam
systems, you're increasing the statistics of your address being
associated as spam.  And that leads to one of my pet hates about "junk
mail" buttons on ordinary mail clients used by clueless people.  They'll
hit the junk button on mail they don't want to see, but isn't actually
junk (such as a message list that they've subscribed to, but can't arsed
to unsub themselves), and report that mail as being spam to a third
party.  And suddenly, your actually not-spam mail, is being blacklisted.

Going back to the request, my own thoughts are, particularly if they
were applying a filter for more than one person, or more than one
address, the original poster's question may have been a more literal
request.  Rather than junk it if the "to" address includes their own
address (a specific address), would be junking mail where the same
address is found in the "to" and "from" headers, whatever that address
is.  Dunno if Spamassassin can do that.  But I've often thought it would
be a useful rule.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.  I
read messages from the public lists.

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