Am 22.08.2012 15:20, schrieb Aaron Konstam:
> On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 22:32 +0930, Tim wrote:
>> On Tue, 2012-08-21 at 15:27 -0500, Aaron Konstam wrote:
>>> Theree seems to be general agreement if you don't include the CTRL key
>>> only a snapshopt is genrqated the function is not executed.
>> Depends on your user interface...  If you're using something like Gnome,
>> it's assigned its own function to ALT and PrintScreen (to screengrab the
>> current active window), versus PrintScreen (by itself, to screengrab the
>> whole desktop).  
>> Whereas, at a basic text-only console, it may be ignoring presses of the
>> PrintScreen/SystemRequest key, and pass it along, for something else to
>> deal with.
>> The same goes for other hotkeys.  Outside of Gnome, for instance, you
>> can switch between terminals simply by pressing ALT and one of the
>> Function keys.  Inside Gnome, it's using those key combinations for its
>> own purposes, so another key sequence is used.  Again, adding CTRL to
>> it, does the job.
> I did all these things in a alt-f2 console (no Gnome). And they still
> did not work. I want some one to tell me they hit: cntl+alr+sysrq b and
> got a reboot.

i explained you in my last mail that CTRL+ALT+PRINT+B is plain
stoopid, so nobody will do this - i CONFIRMED multiple
times that STRG+ALT+PRINT+S does a sync, i hear the drives and
i get messages in dmesg, /var/log/messages AND also in a ALT-F2
console independent if there is a login or not, if there is the
login-prompt i get

SysRq : Emergency Sync
Emergency Sync complete

directly below the prompt

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