> Hw, if there is no incentive to do something, why bother to do it? That
> dirty rotten awful stinky evil capitalism provides the incentive. If I
> don't get something additional out of working hard, I don't work hard -
> indeed, why should I bother to work at all?

If nobody needs to work why bother. Read up on the economics of early
hunter gatherer societies. Read up on the lives of many of the rich
and successful. They'll be awfully relevant as the robots take over.

Executive summary though: people do stuff given the chance because it's
what humans are. There are many super rich people who don't just sit and
watch TV. A large amount of free software is written by people who aren't
paid to do it but who do it for "fun". Hunter/gatherers made stuff that
had no functional purpose because they had lots of spare time to just
enjoy life (if your environment supports it then it's way more time
efficient than agriculture).

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