On 11/01/2012 07:48 PM, Alex issued this missive:

I have a host with an ethernet interface and an alias that I've
created. I need packets to specifically be routed through the alias
interface because that is the IP address the remote host is expecting.

Should I do this using SNAT or otherwise with iptables? Does someone
have an example they can forward on for routing all packets through a
specific interface?

Just to be clear, when I telnet to a specific port on a remote host,
the remote host receives it as the primary interface. It should be
leaving the source through the virtual IP.

Add a route:

route add -net <www.xxx.yyy.zzz> netmask <aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> dev <desired-network-device>


        route add -net netmask dev eth1:0

- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-    "Hello. My PID is Inigo Montoya.  You `kill -9'-ed my parent    -
-                     process.  Prepare to vi."                      -
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