it happens even after booting the system in a few minutes if these
conditions are met

- manually mount a windows share
Its entry in fstab is something like this
\\xxxx /myshare              cifs
noauto,_netdev,credentials=/etc/smbcred,uid=1000,workgroup=YYY  0 0

- go inside the share under /myshare

- try to run scp of a file over another server
sometimes completes, but quite soon I get panic
As soon as I type scp file and for example also if I only use tab+tab to
expand filename bash completion I get a panic

as in https://www.dropbox.com/s/xgoeemnbln98xqi/20121106_102138.jpg

The screenshot has been taken going to console and shows bash as a process,
but tipically I see awk in my previous 3 tests (don't know where awk comes
into place.... I didn't have one...)

It happened 4 times reproducing this kind of operation, while now the
system is up since 1hour without mounting the share and is ok.

Anyone observing something similar?
I don't know against what to bugzilla...

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