On 11/7/2012 12:41 PM, Ian Malone wrote:
> On 7 November 2012 15:04, Hiisi <hi...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> On 7 November 2012 18:11, lee <l...@yun.yagibdah.de> wrote:
>>> Hiisi <hi...@fedoraproject.org> writes:
>>>> On 7 November 2012 16:41, Michael Hiller <soja...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I was assuming that.
>>>> Nobody should be advised to install third party software without
>>>> warnings that it can be harmful and leads to dreadful things.
>>> "yum install vlc" fixed it, thank you!  I thought I had already done that
>>> ...
>>> What's the alternative to installing 3rd party software?  Get its
>>> sources and compile and install it ourselves?  I wouldn't mind doing
>>> that if I knew how to make packages so that it's easier to keep track of
>>> it ...
>> Personally I don't use third party software at all. I.e. no flash and
>> other media on my system. Such ascetic life is hard for untrained
>> persone.
> Personally I only use software I wrote myself. I'm writing this email
> on a computer built around a home-made CPU programmed by hand in
> binary.
> No not really. RPMFusion isn't some random collection of binaries
> pulled of the net. You may chose to avoid it for idealistic or legal
> reasons, but FUD isn't a particularly good one. Not entirely sure what
> an untrained person is in this context either. You want to do without
> flash, that's fine, it doesn't take any training, except possibly in
> putting up with not having flash.

Somewhat like owning an automobile or a bicycle. Sine neither the auto
ot the bike make tires you can have tires?  :-)


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