Allegedly, on or about 13 November 2012, Rick Stevens sent:
> It may have to be above the nameserver specifications:
>         domain blah
>         search blah
>         options attempts:1 timeout:2
>         nameserver blah
>         nameserver blah
> In other words, it may only take effect from the time it's seen in
> the file. If you put it at the end, it has no effect. Not sure about
> that, but give it a whirl. 

I was only trying out the "rotate" option, but it makes no difference
where it is in the file, as far my tests with the dig and nslookup
commands, go.  It may well be that *they* read the resolv.conf file in
their own manner, only looking for nameserver lines.

Short of reading through the nameserver logs, I can't think of another
tool to test with that tells me which nameserver answered its query.
I'll try that later on.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.6.6-1.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Nov 5 21:59:35 UTC 2012 x86_64

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