Reindl Harald <> writes:

> Am 17.11.2012 00:10, schrieb lee:
>>> You never get guest computers, or get asked to take in someone else's
>>> computer and fix it, or install Linux on it for them?  You never add new
>>> devices?  Some of which really expect DHCP (network printers, gaming
>>> consoles, media devices).  Or had to change some hardware, only to find
>>> that the bastard device wants to be on a 192.168.1.x network rather than
>>> a 192.168.0.x network that you're using, and you have to manually change
>>> everything around, individually, to work past this.
>>> DHCP is a falsedeity-send, not a curse.
>> No, I don't have these problems and no need for DHCP, so why waste
>> resources on it.
> so disable NM and dhcpd and write your config in "ifcfg-eth0"
> and after enable network.service your are done - what exactly
> is the problem to do it the way it was done the last 20 years
> and is currently done in every network maintained by admins?

The problems are like not being given a choice when installing,
insufficient documentation, too many dependencies on networkmanager,
installing two conflicting systems to configure the network without a
choice and Fedora having its own particular way of configuring the
network interfaces (For example, Debian does it totally differently.).

Besides, Fedora doesn't even exist 20 years yet, and not every network
is set up identically.

> without NM you can write nto any network-config file inclduing
> /etc/resilv.conf what you want

Networkmanager is forcibly installed by default and breaks things when
you do that --- add that to the list of problems.  It should either use
its own independent way or operate according to the information provided
in such files instead of messing things up when you edit them.

The way it is, it's broken by design.  Fedora should either fix it or
deprecate it.

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