On 12/01/2012 07:21 AM, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
> On 30/11/12 13:07, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> I don't know that that is the "proper" way to "fix" the problem. 2AM, so not 
>> very clear on the implications of making that change. What I think you 
>> really should do is change the fstab entries to.... 
>> /mnt/HOME1 nfs4 defaults,rw,user 0 0 /mnt/DATA1 nfs4 
>> defaults,rw,user 0 0 
>    It looks like what I need to do is remove the present nfs
>    configuration and start from the /home directory? Instead of
>    /nfs4exports it looks like I need to make it /home/nfs4exports
>    because the / partition is only 50G and I ran out of room! /home has
>    818G open on the terabyte drive. I suppose the partitions could be
>    re-sized but that would tax my skill level.
>    This is what I am seeing:
>        [bobg@box8 /]$ df -h
>        Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>        /dev/mapper/vg_box8-lv_root
>                                50G   49G  3.3M 100% /
>        tmpfs                 1.9G  112K  1.9G   1% /dev/shm
>        /dev/sda1             485M   72M  388M  16% /boot
>        /dev/mapper/vg_box8-lv_home
>                               862G  520M  818G   1% /home
>    Or re-install the o/s sans LVM and just make one large / partition.
>    However, I would prefer to use what I have since it is installed and
>    updated, if it can be made to work.

Well....  First of all /nfs4exports doesn't take up any space.  They are bind 
mounts which is analogous to symbolic links.  I'll illustrate using my nfs 

[egreshko@misty ~]$ df -h
Filesystem                 Size  Used Avail   Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/icy3-root       16G   11G  4.3G    71% /
/dev/sda1                   388M  47M  321M    13% /boot
/dev/mapper/icy5-opt        9.7G  5.6G 3.6G    62% /opt
/dev/mapper/icy5-syntegra   77G   41G   33G    55% /syntegra
/dev/mapper/icy3-VMware     308G  231G   62G   79% /opt/VMware
/dev/mapper/icy5-home       581G  323G  229G   59% /home

[egreshko@misty ~]$ exportfs -v

And my /etc/fstab contains the following....

/syntegra               /nfs4exports/syntegra   none    rw,bind 0 0
/home/egreshko          /nfs4exports/myhome     none    rw,bind 0 0

So, you can see that the /syntegra partition uses 41GB and /home uses 323GB.  
None of that space is reflected on the / partition which has only 16GB 
allocated and 11GB used.  If you combine that with /opt only 17GB is being used 
by the OS.

On the other hand, you have allocated 50GB to / and have used 49GB while /home 
is way under-utilized.

I suspect you have non-OS data on the / partition which can be moved to /home.

I would first start out by identifying what directory structure on / is using 
so much space. For example, you may have a /data directory that you've added 
which could be moved to /home. 

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