On 12/27/2012 02:51 PM, Thomas Dineen wrote:
> Gentle People:
>       I just installed, last night, Fedora 17, on a PC! Things went very
> well overall.
> Bravo good work!
>     Following this I successfully loaded all the updates with thew
> update tool,
> and again bravo it worked!
> But now some questions:
> 1) The on screen menus, located at the top left of the screen, seem very
> dark, to
> the point of being almost unreadable. Keep in mind it is not just the
> monitor, an HP
> w2408h, in that the computer shares the monitor with three others via a
> four way switch.
> The other computers produce a bright screen, each working as expected.
> So is there
> any way to adjust this? Keeping in mind that I spent the evening going
> through the menus.
> 2) Periodically parts of the screen, typically the area contained by the
> boundaries of menu
> entries will go all wonkers, looking like a 1960's TV on an antenna that
> has lost horizontal
> sync. How do I fix this?
> 3) I tend to be a fan of the older format of pull down menus, is there
> any way to do pull
> down menus?
> 4) Is there any way to totally disable the screen saver, not just
> setting it to a few hours?
> 5) Saving the screen setup: Is there any way to save the current
> configuration of the screen,
> shell windows, tool windows, and such at logout, so that they reappear
> automatically on login?

You may wish to switch from Gnome3 to XFCE

  yum groupinstall  xfce

Then, logout. On the login screen, choose XFCE from the settings
dropdown.  The rest of your questions can be addressed from the menu via

-- Steve
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