On 01/09/2013 03:12 AM, Rex Dieter wrote:
> Ed Greshko wrote:
>> xdg-settings set default-url-scheme-handler mailto
>> mozilla-thunderbird.desktop
>> it did not change things as a "get" returned
>> [egreshko@localhost ~]$ xdg-settings get default-url-scheme-handler mailto
>> handler is
>> claws-mail.desktop
>> So, strangely, xdg-settings set appears to be broken.
> It's a quirk.  'xdg-settings get' under a given DE will give the *DE* 
> preference.  One KDE, that happens to be whatever is given in 
> systemsettings->Default Applications

That isn't quite right...at least not on KDE in F18.

If another application is chosen, like TBird, "xdg-settings get" will show it.  
However, if the radio button for KMail is selected then "get" will display 

> xdg-settings set ... however, is indeed quirky/buggy atm in that it sets the 
> XDG way, that gtk/gnome/thunderbird respects.  (which is why I suggested 
> it).
> -- rex

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