On 01/12/2013 09:06 AM, David wrote:
> On 1/11/2013 4:27 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> Am 11.01.2013 22:20, schrieb David:
>>> On 1/11/2013 3:49 PM, Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu wrote:
>>>> On 2013-01-11 15:28, David wrote:
>>>>> I am sure that we will miss you.  :-P
>>>> It's ok. I'll be back for F19.  Or maybe I'll be gone only long enough
>>>> until my need to upgrade over takes my unwillingness to kickstart a F18
>>>> install.
>>>> In the meantime, I'm going to sit in the corner sulking!! Hrmph!
>>>> Ranbir
>>> I am still not sure that I understand exactly what your problem with
>>> Fedora 18 is but I do know that much changed. A never ending learning
>>> curve.
>> * you buy new hardware
>> * you buy expensive hardware with a large amount of disks
>> * you want RAID/LVM on this new machine
>> * you buy expensive hardware because you plan to run it 5 years
>> * you want RAID/LVM because you plan never install from scratch
>> you simply can not do this by inserting a F18 install DVD without
>> RTFM about kickstart because the new Anaconda is not GA ready
> Hmmm.... I have read that Anaconda had problems this time. And, all due
> respects to the Anaconda team, as I understand it, there are some
> problems. However let me say that my systems(s) have never seen anything
> that i would call anything more than a 'hick-up' or a 'glitch'. with
> anything that Fedora has released sine Fedora 2. My first Fedora.
> Sorry, truly sorry, for your problems. But. I would think that someone
> as knowledgeable as you actually should have RTFM to install Fedora on
> such fine, expensive hardware. Perhaps even RTFM *before* buying that
> fine, expensive hardware.
> Ya' think?

Not really.....

Previously, the release of firewalld in F17 as the default firewall was pulled 
when it was determined that it wasn't ready for prime-time in that the GUI for 
administering the firewall was not ready.

In the case of F18, they have chosen to move forward with a install process 
which *takes away* functionality.  Once should not have to revert to figuring 
out Kickstart to get a disk configuration you desire when that option existed 
in the previous release.

I suppose one could argue that instead of installing F18 one could install F17 
minimal install to get the desired disk configuration and then upgrade to F18.

But, hey, I'm only an end user.  If I were involved with building the 
distribution I would have argued to hold-off on deploying the latest Anaconda 
(as was done with firewalld) until it had all the functionality previously 

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger 
and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and 
better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. -- Rick Cook, The Wizardry 
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