On Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:54:12 -0500, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:

>     Something has happened to the ability to scroll smoothly in
>     Thunderbird since upgrading two computers to F-18/64/XFCE. In the
>     past there has been a spot at the top and bottom of the scroll bar
>     where you could increment the scroll gradually. That is no longer
>     there in Thunderbird or Firefox. In the case of one directory in
>     Thunderbird where I have 6400 e-mail messages I can scroll using the
>     button but moving it about 5cm on the screen goes through all 6400
>     messages in the list, hardly fine grained!
>     This computer was upgraded from F-17 via "fedup' while the other one
>     was simply yum updated from F-18 beta. Both have the same scrolling
>     affliction.
>     Have I done something wrong?

With GTK based apps I use the right mouse-button to page up/down,
the mouse-wheel to scroll up/down in small steps, and the left
mouse-button to position the slider freely. That's not specific

Fedora release 18 (Spherical Cow) - Linux 3.7.2-201.fc18.x86_64
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