On Fri, 18 Jan 2013 12:56:08 -0500 Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com>

> Ranjan Maitra wrote:
> > Are you able to follow these instructions?
> >
> > https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/users/2013-January/428974.html
> >
> > I wondered if the problem is that the RPMfusion broadcom-wl is not up
> > to date.
> >
> I believe that the opposite is true, the kernel in the Live-CD is so old that 
> the matching drivers are no longer readily found on rpmfusion. The current 
> packages match a kernel newer than the one on the Live-CD or install DVD.

The broadcom-wl is numbered:

which appears to be earlier (?) than the number: 

5.100.138 in the supplied link.

That is why I was thinking that the broadcom-wl is not upto date.

> Thanks for the link, unfortunately installing thing not in the distro 
> requires 
> downloading the packages. It's Catch-22, if I had network connectivity I 
> could 
> download the things I need to get network connectivity. But then I wouldn't 
> need 
> to...

Yes, I was able to use a wired connection to get these: it is pretty
straightforward from then on (at least, was, for me).
> I can download to external media, but that gets ugly, complex, and vastly 
> time-consuming. Install a package, find out what else it needs, repeat 
> indefinitely.

I understand the frustration. What did you do previously to get WiFi
working on F? Broadcom support has never been included in F from what I

Best wishes,

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