Am 20.01.2013 02:00, schrieb Ranjan Maitra:
> Thanks again for your quick response.
> OK, so you are suggesting I move to lvm, or leave things as is, to ext4?
> The new installer does not give me an option to format ext4 (but I can
> keep it as is, I guess). 
> How does one convert from ext4 to lvm? Is there any benefit to moving
> to lvm?

you should really read some basic documentations

ext4 is a filesystem
btrfs is a filesystem
lvm is NOT a filesystem

you have ext4, btrfs, whatever FS ON TOP of LVM

for most private environments there is no real benefit of LVM
spread LVM over more than one disk with no RAID under it
is simply dumb becasue if ONE of the disks goes down
you have a problem

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