On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Mikkel L. Ellertson

> Hash: SHA1
> On 01/30/2013 01:08 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
> > On 01/30/2013 10:11 AM, Raf Roger wrote:
> >> i tried it and still have the windows boot manager when my HDD
> boot :(
> >> instead of having "system not found" (which is the typicall
> message when
> >> boot sector is not found in windows)
> >
> > When you installed, where did you have it put grub? It sounds as
> though you didn't put it in the MBR, or if you tried, it didn't
> work. Maybe you need to have grub re-install itself and make sure,
> this time, that you specify the right place.
> One other thing to keep in mind - the BIOS may be set to boot from
> the wrong drive. This is especially true with some of the "smart"
> BIOSs. They keep tract of what disk you had selected to boot from,
> and boots from that drive.
> Another "gotchya" is that the drive order may be different when
> booting from a DVD/CD/USB drive then when booting from the hard
> drive. So /dev/sda may not be your boot drive when you select
> booting from the hard drive. You can usually reset this in the BIOS...
> Mikkel
> - --
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Hello Mikkel,

so i will try to answer to everything in order :-)
1. after disconnecting all other HDD, and boot on the HDD i formatted,
everything seems ok and computer requests me a booting device... so i
discovered that i have a HDD that includes a boot sector...my D:\ drive...
so i need to remove Windows Boot Manager from this one.... but without
deleting or losing any data as i have backups on this drive.

someone could confirm me that for that i need to type dd if=/dev/zero
of=/dev/sdb bs=446 count=1

i REALLY do not want to loose data from this HDD :-(

2. in the bios, my first HDD to boot is the one i want to install Linux :-)

3. in bios the first device to boot on is CD/DVD, USB key and HDD
i have no CD/DVD except Linux one, and no usb HDD/key connected so no prob

I hope i did not forget any question.

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