> And, on a more international note, if somebody just mentions "the war,"
> which war do you think of first?  

War on Drugs!

War between the States!(Civil War)

War of 1812!

Spanish American War(1898--??)

War (WWI, WW2), Korea(which was not a war BTW), VietNam(also not a war), 
Iraq(1990, ...), Afghanistan, ..., etc 

There are many ``wars'', the war on Open Source, the ``war against Gnome 3'', 
the ``war against Unity'', the war against the U.S. Constitution.  The war of 
``Good'' vs ``Bad'' or ``Evil''.  

There are many wars.  and some to come to, North Korea, Israel, Pakistan, 
Syria, Turkey, Iran, ... it never finishes :(

I wish we could all be little kids and like each other regardless of ethnicity, 
country, and play and get along well not to repeat the mistakes that have been 
made throughout history, but life is sadly not like that :(  

Some students tell others that there is no "i" in TEAM, but there is in TIM if 
its misspelled to suit their needs.  And as has been mentioned, it is[(it's) vs 
its], [your vs you're, which corresponds to you are] plus others metioned by 
Marko V.  The dotless i, the o with the dots ö, there are many things that 
change depending on the area one is in.  Pena is not the same as Peña, and 
Trevino is not the same as Treviño, and ...

Best Regards, 


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