On Sun, 2013-02-17 at 15:22 -0500, jonc wrote:
> Still, FOSS has no reliable way to measure who likes what, or who uses
> what.  Things like counting downloads or clicks at Distrowatch are a 
> long way from measuring usage, and can be very easily gamed. When 
> someone says something like they don't use KDE because it is too 
> cluttered or they don't use Gnome Shell because it is too barren, we 
> have no way to determine how many other people feel the same or if, in
> fact, that person was even telling the truth.

Or who despises something, but still carries on using it, anyway.  Nor
can you tell why, such as whether they have no choice (e.g. not their
computer), or any other reason.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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