On Tue, 2013-02-19 at 19:56 +0000, Gordan Bobic wrote:
> 40 seconds vs 60 seconds to boot up really matters? Really? I find 
> my machines, laptops included, take longer to POST than they take to 
> boot up even with mechanical disks, let alone with SSDs.

I wouldn't have thought drive speed would be a major concern at boot
time, these days, unless the boot sequence of an OS was so inefficient
that it loaded up scads of big files.  Sometimes I seriously wonder
about what is being loaded at boot time, about whether they're really
part of booting up.  As opposed to just doing something.

Take GRUB, for instance.  Load a menu, load a graphic, try to play some
audio (yes, I was surprised to see that in the GRUB files).  As opposed
to load a menu, start booting from the choice, do nothing else.  All
these little extra steps adds another delay, especially when they're
sequential (the next thing happens, after the prior thing).  The move to
a parallel boot process is supposed to speed things up on that premise.
As the OS has a whole chain of things it does while booting, and
probably not all them are really needed to be part of the boot process.

Heck, just logging in is very slow.  A graphical server starts up, some
significant moments later GDM starts drawing a background, then
significanly moments later a user list appears, you pick a user and
significantly later it gets around to asking for your password...

But I agree with your position.  My computer takes quite some time
getting ready before it even reads from the hard drive.

And the computer just seems to take way too long doing some things,
anyway.  You have a multi-gigahertz computer that play games that
through many megabytes of data around in real time for a lovely
impressive picture, yet parsing a single text configuration file, take
so long that you're surprised (e.g. Apache or Squid start-up can be
significantly sped up by stripping the comments out of the config file),
and it's compounded by there being lots of such files read as the
computer starts up.  Then there's things like plugging a USB stick in,
or putting a disc in a drive, it takes an extraordinary age before those
tasks complete.

There's inefficiencies everywhere.  Considering them insignificant is a
failure.  Particularly because they're not in isolation.  They compound

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