On 20 February 2013 16:37, Beartooth <bearto...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 09:38:46 +0200, Cristian Sava wrote:
>         [....]
>> You are not alone. I have similar problems with some boxes with Firefox
>> 18 and Fedora 18 (Gnome). Some sites (including kernel.org) are moving
>> top after some seconds, on other sites if you type somewhere the cursor
>> jump to another location, and so on. I installed Chrome instead.
>         While I do email (with Alpine on a terminal, in another
> workspace), I get popups every few seconds, about equally from Firefox
> and Seamonkey; Midori and Arora each launched normally, gave me a new tab
> normally, let me type or paste into it, and then crashed rather than get
> the site.

Running F18 and Firefox 18.0.2 here on KDE, maybe try another desktop?
XULrunner is the underlying engine that's used for Firefox, Seamonkey
and Thunderbird (and probably other Mozilla apps I don't know about).

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