On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Amit Karpe <amitka...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 2:35 AM, Michael E. Maher <
> mich...@maheronline.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi Amit,
>> On Thu, 2013-02-28 at 17:39 +0800, Amit Karpe wrote:
>> >
>> > If I used no_root_squash in /etc/exports on server I can access
>> > directory without problem.
>> > /disk12,sync,no_root_squash)
>> >
>> > What can be the problem ?
>> >
>> You have kind of answered your own question here. If you need root
>> access to the files from the client, you will need the 'no_root_squash'.
>> All that option does is honour your clients root user over the NFS share
>> (not great for security but I don't know your set up details).
>> Other than that you'd have to manage the users on both systems, to be
>> the same name/uid/gid etc.. and do everything as a non-root user (better
>> for security).
>> Take a look at this link[0] and hopefully that should clear it all up.
>> Thanks,
>> Michael
>> [0]
>> http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/nfs.htm#_If_it_mounts_but_cant_access
> Michael,
> In following situation if I access as root or non-root, I am facing same
> "Permission denied" error.
> So the problem is just not with root but all users.
> client# ls -l /borneo4
> ls: cannot access /borneo4/test-dir: Permission denied
> ?????????? ? ? ? ?                ? test-dir
> client# su - eos
> client$ ls -lh /borneo4/
> ls: cannot access /borneo4/test-dir: Permission denied
> total 0
> ?????????? ? ? ? ?                ? test-dir
> And on server side I am ready change file permissions. By
> changing ownership of directory will solve this problem without using
> no_root_squash ?

Finally I solved this problem by just changing permission on server
server# chmod o+x  /borneo4
Now my client can access without any problem.
Thank You, Michael.
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