On 03/20/13 19:55, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 20.03.2013 12:47, schrieb Timothy Murphy:
>> Ed Greshko wrote:
>>> What is the advantage of running (K)Ubuntu or any other Linux distro on a
>>> smartphone or tablet?
>> I would find it a great advantage to run the same, or similar, 
>> OS's or DE's on laptop and phone, just for simplicity
> it makes pretty no sense to use the same DE on a smartphone
> this would mean cripple it down for desktop users or
> have a unuseable one on the smartphone
> why do people not realize this?

Maybe they will realize it when presented with reality?

It seems, to me, intuitive that the form factor makes it impractical to have 
the same DE on a smartphone as on a desktop.  You'd have to configure 
everything to the lowest common denominator.  Not what I want on my desktop.

>> For example, I would like to use KMail on my Samsung Galaxy S2,
>> collecting mail through IMAP from my server
> have fun with the desktop UI on a smartphone
> K9 for android is far better optimized for the use-case

Yep, that is what I use.  Now if they only would support threading.   :-)

>> I'd like to run Firefox on my phone,
>> just because that is what I am familiar with.
> it exists for Android and guess what:
> it does not have the same UI for reasons above

And Chrome for Android is not the same as Chrome on the desktop.  Gee....  I 
wonder why.  :-)
>> I find the sync-ing between phone and computer less than satisfactory.
>> If both presented the same interface it would be much better (for me).
> you BELIEVE it would be much better but ignore that any
> application on a smartphone needs to realize the
> envirnoment and come up with a different UI or it
> will be unuseable

Ahh, one also has to realize that the syncing between phone and computer will 
not be improved by having the same interface on both.  There is no correlation.

From now on, at least during winter time, Im going to blame all spelling an 
grammar erros on the cat sitting on my chest every time I sit down at the 

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