Am 23.03.2013 22:43, schrieb Joe Zeff:
> On 03/23/2013 11:56 AM, Steven Stern wrote:
>> One of those things that can bite you in the butt is that the
>> environment for /bin/sh might be different than than in /bin/bash,
>> especially as invoked by cron.
> Somebody suggested adding something new to crontab and seeing if it works.  I 
> tried it.  Alas, even though I have
> both EDITOR and VISUAL set in both .bashrc and .bash_profile, crontab -e 
> insists on invoking vi, an editor that I
> despise, and refuse to learn.  (I prefer nano, and have that set as my 
> default editor for EVERYTHING in a
> terminal.)  Does anybody know how to force crontab to do what I want, not 
> what it's author wants?

why do you not simply place your cronjobs in /etc/cron.d/?

i maintain a lot of servers with tons of cronjobs running as
different users and never in my life called the contab-command

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