On Wed, 2013-03-27 at 19:16 +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 27.03.2013 18:55, schrieb les:
> > I have a friend who is vision impaired.  He recently got enough of his
> > sight back to begin working on his systems again, and is interested in
> > setting his servers up on Fedora 18.  His last version was 10 (long
> > storage in between).
> > 
> > Is there a site, blog or tutorial that would be easy for him to use with
> > a screen reader or would have it broken down as a series of steps to
> > help him get going (I know nothing of server setups now, so I cannot
> > offer much help.)
> > 
> > Among the things he mentioned was:
> > Web manager.
> > Reverse DNS.
> > 
> > Unfortunately we were driving and I couldn't take coherent notes
> in this context i would not recommend Fdora for a server because it
> has a limited release-lifetime and you have two options twice a year
> * re-install
> * dist-upgrade
> re-install is not much funny and a dist-upgrade with rely on a
> screen reader maybe also not because sometimes a lot of changes
> which i personally would not want to take care of in this siutation
> in this conext i would recommdn CentOS6 which has security updates
> for arund 10 years, the backside is that you can't have major
> upgrades of software for a specific release and a dist-upgrade
> is mre or less impossible because the changes are too much
Thanks, Reindl,
        He won't be too happy, he loved Fedora.  I'll google for the setups for
CentOS.  It looks like they are taking about 6.1 now on their website. 

        If you know of any good server setup instructions, I could sure use it.
I'll read up so I know a bit up front, and I may try to set up a server
locally so I see what the issues are.  My friend is a really good man,
and I will help where I can.  It has taken him a few years to get to a
place where he is ready to try this.  Life deals us bad hands some times
I guess.

Les H

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