-----Original Message-----
From: users-boun...@lists.fedoraproject.org 
[mailto:users-boun...@lists.fedoraproject.org] On Behalf Of Steve Searle
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 12:15 PM
To: Community support for Fedora users
Subject: Re: Fedora vs RHEL

Around 11:09am on Friday, April 12, 2013 (UK time), Mike Dwiggins scrawled:

> My problem is that I am trying to sell my Boss on Fedora!  He refuses 
> to let us use CentOS or to pay for RHEL ( Yes cheapskate). But if I 
> can show some comparison to RHEL I can sell him on Fedora.
> My whole shop run home servers and we all use Fedora.  We just need 
> something from somewhere to convince him!

I would think it madness to use Fedora in a commercial activity, the upgrade 
cycle is to frequent and the risks of failure due to the "bleeding edge" to 
great. What advantage do you think Fedora would give you over whatever you 
currently use.

If you can't convince him to use RHEL/CentOS then I think it wrong to convince 
him Fedora would be better.

Obviously I have know knowledge of your actual business.

-----Original Message-----

I wouldn't do it on moral grounds:
If you want to play/learn/experiment/contribute: use fedora by all means!
If you make a living from it / other people depend on it: use RHEL


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