On 4/14/2013 7:06 AM, Tim wrote:
> Allegedly, on or about 13 April 2013, David sent:
>> I actually know several (nine) 'old time Linux' users and some are ex
>> Redhat employes as well as commercial (as in paid sys admins) that say
>> that the Ubuntu list is full of useless information. Much of it flat out
>> wrong. Careful. The usual tip off, they say, is "Try this. It might work".
> And this is different to Windows, how?  There's an awful lot of
> ham-fisted doddering about to *try* and make it do what it's supposed to
> do.
>> All I meant was that befer you 'move someone to Linux', of any kind, you
>> need to understand that Linux use is still, mostly, limited to 'us geeks'
> Again, how is this different from Windows?  Sure, hopeless computer
> users can use any OS while it's working.  But it still takes a "geek" to
> make Windows behave itself.  The average computer user hasn't a chance.
>> All of which means? IMHO. Linux is cool but not really ready, yet, for
>> grandma.
> Nor is Windows.  Nor do I think it will ever be.
>> Because? When $hit goes bad, or just does not work, with Linux it
>> actually takes someone that knows what they are doing to fix it. Or
>> reinstall it so that it works again.
>> IMHO? Grandma does not want to deal with that. My mother, grandma to my
>> kids, would not want any part of that if she was still alive.
> And can she fix Windows?  Does she know the need to defrag, can she do
> it?  Can she repair the damage from a virus that her anti-virus software
> didn't detect until it was too late?  Can she install new software?  Can
> she sort out an install that didn't go right?  Can she debug why the
> whole computer crashes and bluescreens while trying to do something
> basic with the grandson's birthday video in Windows Movie Maker?  Or any
> of the plethora of other day-to-day Windows screw-ups?

Fix it? She has never broken it.

> I'd be very surprised if the answer to any of that was "yes" for your
> grandma, or any others.  I can't remember seeing any Windows home
> computer that wasn't a mess.
> Windows did not get where it is by being better, easier, more reliable,
> nor any other reason that would justify itself.  It became the biggest
> OS infestation by devious business practices shoehorning it into
> personal computers.

Careful. Your paranoia is showing.  :-)


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