On Wed, 2013-04-17 at 20:01 -0500, g wrote:

On 04/17/2013 07:26 PM, William Mattison wrote:
> > (fedora-18, all desktops)
> >
> > I would like to burn a single dvd with an ISO9660 - Rock Ridge - Joliet
> > file made from: * /home/user1/project17/ * /home/user2/project17/ *
> > /home/user2/.hidden/ Each of these directories has multiple levels of
> > subdirectories.  user1 and user2 each has other directories directly under
> > his $HOME directory.  I tried to use "Brasero" to do this.  But the ISO file
> > it created was a mere 71.7 KB, though these three directories contain over
> > 600 MB of files.  I get the impression that the tool only looked one level
> > below what I dragged to the right side of the screen.  I need it to go all
> > the way down, like a "cp -r".  On my old Redhat 9 system, X-CD-Roast handled
> > that beautifully.  I also tried this with another tool whose name I now
> > cannot now recall or find.  It was worse.  How do I do this with Fedora-18?
> have you considered "K3b"?
> k3b allows you to do what you want, as it allows you to pre-build
> your own paths and then drag in what ever files, directories, or
> paths than you want.
> above is main reason i have used over the years from when i was
> first released.
> hth
> -- 
> in a world with out fences, who needs gates.
> tc. hago.
> g
> .

I'd try this from the shell:

genisoimage -V YourLabel -pad -R -quiet  \
   -o  YourFile.iso  \
   /home/user1/project17/  \
   /home/user2/project17/  \

wodim dev=/dev/Your_DVD_Device -dao -data YourFile.iso

Mark C. Allman, PMP, CSM
Founder, See How You Ski
Allman Professional Consulting, Inc., www.allmanpc.com
617-947-4263, Twitter:  @allmanpc

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