On Mon, 2013-05-06 at 02:28 +0200, poma wrote: 
> On 06.05.2013 01:45, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
> > I have a Fedora 18 machine on which I use gnome-shell as a desktop.
> > After the last set of updates, I tried to restart.  The machine froze
> > during shutdown and I had to reset it from the front panel.  Since then,
> > I can't get gnome-shell to start.  The greeter runs, but when I log in,
> > I just get the background screen.  My keyboard remaps take hold (I swap
> > ctrl and caps-lock to get a Sun keyboard feel), but I don't see any
> > panels.
> …
> $HOME/.xsession-errors

That file was last written in January, so I'm pretty sure there's
nothing relevant there.

> $HOME/.cache/gdm/session.log

        Window manager warning: Failed to load theme "Nodoka": Failed to
        find a valid file for theme Nodoka

Which makes sense, insofar as I did not have Nodaka installed, but does
not make sense, insofar as I never selected Nodaka as a theme.  (It's
not an option if it's not installed.)

Started gnome-tweak-tool from a remote SSH session, checked that the
default theme was still selected.  (It was.)  gnome-tweak-tool updates
its settings when it exits, and after that, everything seems to be
working fine.

Thanks for the pointers.

So now that this has me thinking about themes, what gnome-shell themes
do y'all like, and why?

> poma

Matthew Saltzman
Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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