On Sat, 2013-05-11 at 16:55 +0300, Kevin Wilson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to assign key to switching between
> languages on Fedora 18.
> With previous Fedora releases, 17 and down, I did it with "both shift keys".
> Now, when I go to "Regional and Language settings"->shortcuts,
> "Switch to next source" is defined as "Alt+1"
> Pressing "Alt+1" indeed change languages; however, it does not let me change
> the shortcut to "both shift keys".
> Is it possible to set "both shift keys" to switching to next source in
> Fedora 18 ?
> I use MUTT desktop

Say again? Mutt is an email client. Your desktop is something else
(Gnome, KDE, Mint, ...)


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