On 05/10/2013 12:48 PM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
14 packages, 104 MB installed.... just for a simple GUI that calls
other low-level system utils...

Thinking that liveusb-creator is often run from LiveCD, wouldn't it be
nice to create a statically linked liveusb-creator that can be
downloaded as a single binary and run?. Furthermore, such statically
linked executable could be compressed with the UPX executable

Hello Fernando,

First of all, it is NOT a simple GUI. It is a GUI programmed in Python using the Qt toolkit, so if you don't have Qt installed in your system, it pulls as a dependency, which is great, because otherwise you would have to install everything manually, so don't get me wrong, but seriously, do you expect it to run from thin air?

I sincerely think that this kind of complaints (I have seen several from you too) won't take you nowhere.

Have you thought about programming a "simple" graphical interface without any dependency at all? I you do it, I promise I package it for Fedora :)

All the best, abrazos,

# yum install liveusb-creator
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, presto
Determining fastest mirrors
  * fedora: mirrors.dcarsat.com.ar
  * updates: mirror.globo.com
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package liveusb-creator.noarch 0:3.11.8-1.fc18 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: syslinux-extlinux for package:
--> Processing Dependency: PyQt4 for package:
--> Running transaction check
---> Package PyQt4.i686 0:4.10-1.fc18 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: sip-api(9) >= 9.2 for package: PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686
--> Processing Dependency: qt4(x86-32) >= 4.8.4 for package:
--> Processing Dependency: libphonon.so.4 for package: PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libQtXmlPatterns.so.4 for package:
--> Processing Dependency: libQtXml.so.4 for package: PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libQtWebKit.so.4 for package: PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libQtTest.so.4 for package: PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libQtSvg.so.4 for package: PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libQtSql.so.4 for package: PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libQtScriptTools.so.4 for package:
--> Processing Dependency: libQtScript.so.4 for package: PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libQtOpenGL.so.4 for package: PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libQtNetwork.so.4 for package: PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libQtMultimedia.so.4 for package:
--> Processing Dependency: libQtHelp.so.4 for package: PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libQtGui.so.4 for package: PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libQtDesigner.so.4 for package:
--> Processing Dependency: libQtDeclarative.so.4 for package:
--> Processing Dependency: libQtDBus.so.4 for package: PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libQtCore.so.4 for package: PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686
---> Package syslinux-extlinux.i686 0:4.05-4.fc18 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package phonon.i686 0:4.6.0-5.fc18 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: phonon-backend(x86-32) >= 4.4 for package:
--> Processing Dependency: libqzeitgeist.so.1 for package:
--> Processing Dependency: kde-filesystem for package: phonon-4.6.0-5.fc18.i686
---> Package qt.i686 1:4.8.4-17.fc18 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: qt-settings for package: 1:qt-4.8.4-17.fc18.i686
---> Package qt-x11.i686 1:4.8.4-17.fc18 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libmng.so.1 for package: 1:qt-x11-4.8.4-17.fc18.i686
---> Package qtwebkit.i686 0:2.2.2-8.fc18 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libQtSensors.so.1 for package:
--> Processing Dependency: libQtLocation.so.1 for package:
---> Package sip.i686 0:4.14.5-1.fc18 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package kde-filesystem.i686 0:4-42.fc18 will be installed
---> Package libmng.i686 0:1.0.10-8.fc18 will be installed
---> Package libqzeitgeist.i686 0:0.8.0-8.fc18 will be installed
---> Package phonon-backend-gstreamer.i686 2:4.6.3-1.fc18 will be installed
---> Package qt-mobility.i686 0:1.2.2-0.3.20120224git.fc18 will be installed
---> Package qt-settings.noarch 0:4.9-20.fc18 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

  Package                   Arch    Version                       Repository
  liveusb-creator           noarch  3.11.8-1.fc18                 updates  176 k
Installing for dependencies:
  PyQt4                     i686    4.10-1.fc18                   updates  2.6 M
  kde-filesystem            i686    4-42.fc18                     updates   47 k
  libmng                    i686    1.0.10-8.fc18                 fedora   175 k
  libqzeitgeist             i686    0.8.0-8.fc18                  fedora    73 k
  phonon                    i686    4.6.0-5.fc18                  fedora   209 k
  phonon-backend-gstreamer  i686    2:4.6.3-1.fc18                updates  140 k
  qt                        i686    1:4.8.4-17.fc18               updates  4.7 M
  qt-mobility               i686    1.2.2-0.3.20120224git.fc18    fedora   3.1 M
  qt-settings               noarch  4.9-20.fc18                   updates   28 k
  qt-x11                    i686    1:4.8.4-17.fc18               updates   13 M
  qtwebkit                  i686    2.2.2-8.fc18                  updates  7.1 M
  sip                       i686    4.14.5-1.fc18                 updates  120 k
  syslinux-extlinux         i686    4.05-4.fc18                   fedora   357 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package (+13 Dependent packages)

Total download size: 32 M
Installed size: 104 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
(1/14): libmng-1.0.10-8.fc18.i686.rpm                      | 175 kB   00:01
(2/14): kde-filesystem-4-42.fc18.i686.rpm                  |  47 kB   00:01
(3/14): libqzeitgeist-0.8.0-8.fc18.i686.rpm                |  73 kB   00:02
(4/14): PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686.rpm                         | 2.6 MB   00:44
(5/14): liveusb-creator-3.11.8-1.fc18.noarch.rpm           | 176 kB   00:01
(6/14): phonon-backend-gstreamer-4.6.3-1.fc18.i686.rpm     | 140 kB   00:02
(7/14): phonon-4.6.0-5.fc18.i686.rpm                       | 209 kB   00:03
(8/14): qt-mobility-1.2.2-0.3.20120224git.fc18.i686.rpm    | 3.1 MB   00:36
(9/14): qt-4.8.4-17.fc18.i686.rpm                          | 4.7 MB   00:51
(10/14): qt-settings-4.9-20.fc18.noarch.rpm                |  28 kB   00:02
(11/14): syslinux-extlinux-4.05-4.fc18.i686.rpm            | 357 kB   00:02
(12/14): sip-4.14.5-1.fc18.i686.rpm                        | 120 kB   00:03
(13/14): qt-x11-4.8.4-17.fc18.i686.rpm                     |  13 MB   01:49
(14/14): qtwebkit-2.2.2-8.fc18.i686.rpm                    | 7.1 MB   02:14
Total                                           140 kB/s |  32 MB     03:52
Running Transaction Check
Running Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
   Installing : kde-filesystem-4-42.fc18.i686                               1/14
   Installing : qt-settings-4.9-20.fc18.noarch                              2/14
   Installing : 1:qt-4.8.4-17.fc18.i686                                     3/14
   Installing : syslinux-extlinux-4.05-4.fc18.i686                          4/14
   Installing : sip-4.14.5-1.fc18.i686                                      5/14
   Installing : libmng-1.0.10-8.fc18.i686                                   6/14
   Installing : 1:qt-x11-4.8.4-17.fc18.i686                                 7/14
   Installing : qt-mobility-1.2.2-0.3.20120224git.fc18.i686                 8/14
   Installing : qtwebkit-2.2.2-8.fc18.i686                                  9/14
   Installing : libqzeitgeist-0.8.0-8.fc18.i686                            10/14
   Installing : 2:phonon-backend-gstreamer-4.6.3-1.fc18.i686               11/14
   Installing : phonon-4.6.0-5.fc18.i686                                   12/14
   Installing : PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686                                     13/14
   Installing : liveusb-creator-3.11.8-1.fc18.noarch                       14/14
   Verifying  : phonon-4.6.0-5.fc18.i686                                    1/14
   Verifying  : 1:qt-4.8.4-17.fc18.i686                                     2/14
   Verifying  : libmng-1.0.10-8.fc18.i686                                   3/14
   Verifying  : qt-settings-4.9-20.fc18.noarch                              4/14
   Verifying  : qt-mobility-1.2.2-0.3.20120224git.fc18.i686                 5/14
   Verifying  : liveusb-creator-3.11.8-1.fc18.noarch                        6/14
   Verifying  : sip-4.14.5-1.fc18.i686                                      7/14
   Verifying  : kde-filesystem-4-42.fc18.i686                               8/14
   Verifying  : 1:qt-x11-4.8.4-17.fc18.i686                                 9/14
   Verifying  : syslinux-extlinux-4.05-4.fc18.i686                         10/14
   Verifying  : 2:phonon-backend-gstreamer-4.6.3-1.fc18.i686               11/14
   Verifying  : PyQt4-4.10-1.fc18.i686                                     12/14
   Verifying  : qtwebkit-2.2.2-8.fc18.i686                                 13/14
   Verifying  : libqzeitgeist-0.8.0-8.fc18.i686                            14/14

   liveusb-creator.noarch 0:3.11.8-1.fc18

Dependency Installed:
   PyQt4.i686 0:4.10-1.fc18
   kde-filesystem.i686 0:4-42.fc18
   libmng.i686 0:1.0.10-8.fc18
   libqzeitgeist.i686 0:0.8.0-8.fc18
   phonon.i686 0:4.6.0-5.fc18
   phonon-backend-gstreamer.i686 2:4.6.3-1.fc18
   qt.i686 1:4.8.4-17.fc18
   qt-mobility.i686 0:1.2.2-0.3.20120224git.fc18
   qt-settings.noarch 0:4.9-20.fc18
   qt-x11.i686 1:4.8.4-17.fc18
   qtwebkit.i686 0:2.2.2-8.fc18
   sip.i686 0:4.14.5-1.fc18
   syslinux-extlinux.i686 0:4.05-4.fc18



Germán A. Racca
Fedora Package Maintainer
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