Re: f17 printing stalls

Joe Zeff responded:
>>On 05/13/2013 11:18 AM, jackson byers wrote:
>>reboot to my old f16, printing works continually.

> From what you wrote, you upgraded from F 16 to 17, so there's no "old
f16" to
>boot into.  I presume that what you meant is that you boot using the last
F 16 >kernel installed.  If so, that suggests that something in the new
kernel is >causing the difficulty.

No, I obviously wasn't  complete in saying what I did:
I first made backup copy of my f16
and then did the preupgrade from that f16copy.

>Try this: boot into the newer kernel, print a test page, then look at the
most >recent entries in /var/log/cups/error_log.  Try to print again and
check again.  >You might find something there that points in the right

I uname -r

this is the one and only kernel that the preupgrade provided.
I will look at /var/log/cups/error_log

th;anks for response
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