I've just been experimenting with ways to backup and
update my BIOS without windows, without a floppy,
and without burning actual CD media. Google led
me to this:


It works great. I was able to make this grub2 menu

menuentry "Boot Freedos 1.1" {
    insmod part_msdos
    insmod ext2
    set root='hd0,msdos1'
    linux16 /syslinux/memdisk
    initrd16 /syslinux/FD11-144.IMG

It boots a freedos floppy image and from there I can
access a FAT USB stick which has the BIOS utility
and images on it.

However, to get that /syslinux/memdisk boot image,
I had to download the syslinux rpm and use rpm2cpio
to extract it - all the info I could find in the
fedora docs seem to indicate that actually installing
the syslinux rpm will result in getting switched to
the syslinux boot loader.

It would be handy if this memdisk bit were a
separate package that wouldn't interfere with
my grub2 boot loader, but I could just use
independently with grub2 like this.
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