Am 19.06.2013 21:34, schrieb Thomas Tobian:
> I need one more dependency but I do not know how to figure out:
> error: Failed dependencies:
> *freetype = 2.4.2-3.fc14* is needed by freetype-devel-2.4.2-3.fc14.x86_64
> how could I get this file, in order to complete my installation for 
> freetype-devel-2.4.2-3.fc14.x86_64
> Error: Package: freetype-devel-2.4.2-3.fc14.x86_64 (fedora)
>            Requires: freetype = 2.4.2-3.fc14
>            Installed: freetype-2.4.2-4.fc14.i686 (@kambing-updates)
>                freetype = 2.4.2-4.fc14
>            Available: freetype-2.4.2-3.fc14.i686 (fedora)
>                freetype = 2.4.2-3.fc14
> What should I do

use a supported operating system would be a good start
and if it is only because security

F14 reached EOL in 2011 and it is ridiculous installing
a distribution with two major upgrades per year and not
doing them - F14 was pre-systemd, there are no longer
any repos nor a active userbase for it

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