On Tue, Jul 09, 2013 at 05:16:58PM -0400, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
> Oh! ok.....that explains it! So then theoretically I should be able to
> use the fedup-cli command and upgrade my system, without having anything
> change except the versions of the applications installed on my
> system....right? And the things that are "deprecated" (no longer
> suppoerted?) will be replaced with things that ARE?...(and I know these
> might sound like "stoopid"questions, but when I went from F17 to F18 I
> had nothing to lose...the system was brand new...and I had been running
> 17 for about a month or two but now?...I have amassed a LOT of stuff!)

Theoretically yes, but as always with any major system operations,
*back up* any important data. 
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