
> The last time I did this, I found IPv6 had a little more latency than
> IPv4.
> After deciding the ISP and router were still "not there", I disabled IPv6.
> I haven't tried this recently, but this thread makes me want to try again.
> Hopefully the router has better firmware and the ISP IPv6 support has
> improved.
The problem is not just ISP support. Unless you have a pure IPv6 path
end-to-end to the final destination (say google), your packets will
travel through an IPv6-toIPv4 gateway, which add latency.

So, it won't bother your particular ISP supports IPv6 well, unless most
internet sites you connect to also supports, and their own ISPs, load
balancers, DNS mirrors, also supports IPv6 well.

Another question is that IPv4 has years of large-scale deployments, so
well-optimized firmwares, OS stacks, firewalls, etc. IPv6 ones have less
optimzation simply because they have been exposed to less real use and
even less large scale use.

IPv6 per se (larger address size, larger headers, different semantics)
requires more CPU power, memmory, buffers... so a product that works
well with IPv6 may not work so well with IPv6. And the vendor has more
pressure from customer for good performance on IPv4 than IPv6.

Bottom line: you won't use IPv6 because it's better. We may find out in
the future it's actually much worse, but we will only know when it's as
widely use as IPv4. We all know IPv6 is inevitable given the expansion
of the Internet, but IPv6 is not need by most right now. Maybe we'll end
up with a "different" IPv6, like current IPv4 with CIDR and NAT is very
different than the original class-based IPv4.

For the time beign, I restrict IPv6 to test networks, to gain knowledge
and evaulate product support, but keep it out of my production network.
And keep a close eye to security issues and new RFCs still being drafted
by the IETF about IPv6.

[]s, Fernando Lozano

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