The machine details:

-          Dell XPS 17 (L702X) BIOS A19

-          Intel Core i7-2720QM (2.2GHZ)

-          Intel Sandybridge

-          Nvidia GeForce GT 555M

>From a complete fresh install of F19, I’m seeing 214 updates. The updates 
>break down into 8 security, 80 bugfix, 22 enhancements, and the rest are 
>dependencies. I am attempting to narrow down which update is causing the 
>problem, and so far I believe it to be in the 80 bugfix updates, because after 
>a `yum –bugfix update` the machine starts having the issue.

A little history:

This machine was on F18 and I did a FedUp to F19 without issue. On July 10th I 
decided to install F19 fresh and at that time there were only 191 updates which 
installed fine; however, I decided I wanted to encrypt the partition and 
started from scratch again, but now there are 214 updates and the machine has 
this issue.

Is there some way I can have yum update based on a timestamp or display a 
timestamp on when these updates were posted to help me narrow the field?

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