Am 14.07.2013 01:25, schrieb lee:
> From what I've been reading, CentOS isn't upgradeable at all.  If that's
> true, I'm surprised you're using it.

the idea behind a LTS distribution is that you have *10 years*
update-support and stay on exatcly the software versions
which was shipped as you installed it meaning *no* updates
with incompatible changes at all

the point is:
* you get security updates over the whole life-cycle
* you use it if you do not need new features over the lifecycle
* security fixes are backported to the shipped version
* so you have simply *no need* to upgrade

CentOS is a 1:1 RHEL clone

so, and on a Fedora installation after one year the support
ends, you will never see any security update after that

you can hardly compare a bleding edge distribution and CentOS

* two differnet usecases
* two different worlds

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