Am 17.07.2013 20:53, schrieb Eddie G. O'Connor Jr.:
> On 07/17/2013 12:28 AM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> Roger wrote:
>>> Thank you Linus and others.
>>> As I see it, this discussion has little to do with culture, nations or
>>> ideologies and a lot to do with rubbishing another person or their ideas for
>>> what ever reason.
>>> We are all equal, some have more knowledge than others.
>> No Roger, when it comes to designing systems and writing code, we are not 
>> all equal. Programming can be taught,
>> confined within some school of practice be it agile, structured, or 
>> whatever. But programming also is a talent,
>> and while most people can learn to write a simple functional program, like 
>> music or dancing the difference
>> between functional, competent, and exceptional is one of talent. Great code 
>> not only works, but is readable and
>> maintainable.
>> "It works" is necessary but not sufficient.
> I have been "watching" these emails pile up and when I open them....they're 
> just comments and opinions. If there's
> is no "knowledge" being dispensed with this thread can it be closed?...or 
> taken off-list? just a humble request
> asked in a polite manner

sorry for trying to explain my point of view

if the completly off-topic thread "hackers" started at 2013-04-24
would have been closed before 2013-05-01 before *50* useless
posts i would not have been moderated again because my *off-list*
reply to keep such political clearly away from public lists

so if off-list replies are taken into account of list etiquette
i reserve the right to start threads about "etiquette" at all


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