On Thu, 18 Jul 2013 16:53:47 -0400
"Kevin H. Hobbs" <hob...@ohio.edu> wrote:

> After I updated my home computer from Fedora 17 to 18 MPI programs
> stopped working.

> I'm actually able to run the generated executable on another computer
> just fine.
> I tried using gdb to step through util/nidmap.c from 148 but whatever
> goes wrong is too far away for me to find it.
> Does anybody have any clue where I should look?
Are you sure you have the correct MPI runtime loaded? All sorts of
strange things can happen if you try running an MPI binary with the
wrong runtime libraries, e.g. mpich2 binary with openmpi.
Susi Lehtola
Fedora Project Contributor
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