On Fri, 19 Jul 2013 21:29:55 -0300
Fernando Cassia <fcas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 6:36 PM, David <dgbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So what you are complaining about is that the people that made the
> > Xfce ISO did not build it exactly to your, personal specifications?
> > Really? How dare them to not build one just for you!!
> No, re-read my message. Im saying that OpenJDK was part of Fedora 16
> XFCE, then Fedora 17 XFCE and then Fedora 18 XFCE, but in F19 XFCE
> suddenly its no more,and I wondered why. I would have appreciated some
> polling in advance to users if it was a matter of lack of space... or
> to be warned in advance about the change.

This was discussed a lot on the fedora Xfce list. Sorry it wasn't asked
in a wider area. 

It's basically space reasons. It wouldn't fit and still let us meet the
700MB target. 

> So its not MY specification but THEIR OWN specs in at least the last
> three releases that they have departed from (I started usjng F16 XFCE
> soon after F16 was released, and if my memory serves me right OpenJDK
> was there)

I don't know anywhere where the Xfce SIG promises some interface simply
based on it being shipped in the past. ;) 

Sorry it's been a trouble for you. 


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