On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 10:44:12PM +0200, Eric Viseur wrote:
> Oh my god, it feels like I'm reading a baby whining because another one
> pinched his ass.  You call this an insult ?  This got to be the most
> childish mailing-list I've ever been on.  Grow up some balls, people.  This
> really is ridiculous.

Not really. The mailing lists participants are supposed to conduct
themselves politely. This isn't LKML. ;)

> You're offended

Nobody said offended. I said his statement was insulting. Two different

> because the first answer wasn't rolled in salutations and
> polite hello goodbye ?  If I was Harald I would the offending one.  You get
> a straight, clear answer and you call it insult.  And then to justify
> yourself you quote the following reaction.

How is telling someone you won't be helping them in future "a straight,
clear answer"?

> Yes, this is kindergarden.  I'm leaving this mailing-list.  Too bad for the
> precious knowledge I'll miss.  Gonna use the forums instead.

Darryl L. Pierce <mcpie...@gmail.com>
"What do you care what people think, Mr. Feynman?"

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