Am 26.07.2013 00:16, schrieb lee:
>> well, and that is why nitpicking about any word and presume
>> always the worst intention of anything i say is unfair
> This doesn't have anything to do with presuming, nitpicking or
> unfairness.  You say "x" and mean "z".  There is no way for the other
> person to know that you mean "z"

ironically the same does not apply for people making problem decriptions
without any informations, hence even not say what Fedora version and
taking a lot of posts to get needed minimal informations

hey, thats O=K, the do not need to improve their reports but
i need to spoeak english like a native speaker.............

>> * having perfect english from me without knowledge
>> * having knowledge and not perfect / rough english
>> i need to choose becaus emy day has only 24 hours..........................
> It is your choice to make and not mine.  You can chose whatever you
> want. If you chose not to adjust, I would prefer that you be
> unsubscribed from this mailing list.

you could also ue a signature "please only answers from native speakers"
instead the funny one you are using and you would not get a single reply
from me even if it solves your problems

> Otherwise you will continue to
> create unnecessary unrest

there would also be less unnecessary unrest if people would
stop to insist taking every single word as insult if there
is only the lightest chance to interprate it this way

> When you don't have enough time to post on mailing lists or to make bug
> reports, then don't do it and stop making excuses

mhh, that must be the reason why in my bugreports folder for 2013
are 600 messages, in the one from 2013 1300 messages and my sent folder
to this list contains 1500 messages for this year

that must also be the reason that i spend real money for opensource
projects and a lot of time to help bring new releases out.......

without the moderation you even would realize that often enough
answers with solutions are coming within a few minutes, but hey
that all is nothing worth here...............

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