On 08/15/2013 12:48 AM, NOSpaze wrote:
On Wed, 2013-08-14 at 18:19 -0400, linuxnuts...@videotron.ca wrote:
Has anybody heard of this, or even tried it?


In fact, a quick search at your mail domain (.com) shows a lot of
windows software useful for windows, including this antivirus. Not
related to this list, thanks.


otbits.blogspot.com / counter.li.org: #367962
"Es gibt kein unmoralisches Buch. Bücher sind gut geschrieben oder
schlecht geschrieben. Das ist alles."
- Oscar Wilde

I was enquiring regarding the Linux version of this particular anti-virus as per the link I posted ( anti-virus-for-linux.php ). I wanted to know if anybody had any experience with this Linux version. The link you provided may have proven useful had I been searching for windows based troubleshooting. Thanks.
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