On 4 September 2013 06:49, Jonathan Ryshpan <jonr...@pacbell.net> wrote:
> Pulseaudio can control which output device receives main audio output via
> kmix->Mixer->Settings->Audio Setup->...
> which invokes Phonon.  At this point select the audio stream you want to
> divert, "Prefer" the device you want to receive the stream to the top and
> "Apply".  This sends the audio stream, the output of Amarok (in my case) to
> the desired device, "Built-in Audio Analog Stereo" (in my case).
> EXCEPT that this doesn't work for a stream originating in Firefox/Flash.
> How can I redirect this stream?  What am I missing?

Which version of Fedora are you using? I ask because in F18 KDE the
Phonon KDE control only allows adjustment of output per category
(music, video, notifications etc). Both the flash plugin and firefox
use pulse's alsa plugin for playback, I'm not sure what category they
come under, whether they come under the same category or even if
applications using the alsa plugin can communicate their category.

Anyway, if you've tried all the categories and the overall device
control with no luck then try installing pavucontrol. The leftmost
'playback' tab will allow per-stream (actual streams, not categories)
control of the device used. However it only shows active streams, so
you need to start playback to get the stream you want to appear.

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