
The solution: they forwarded the file to me -- the only one using
OpenOffice, by the way under Fedora --- and I could read the file
without garbage, or with little garbage and little formatting
disruption. I fixed a few lines (if needed) and saved the file again as
doc or docx so the rest of the team could continue. :-)

Well, sure. That works, as long as you're willing to do everybody else's dirty work. Did you even try to get your friends to convert to OO, or did you just suck it up and let them take advantage of your good nature?

In case you didn't noticed: this was an example of how sometines LibreOffice is more compatible with MS Word files than Word itself. :-)

Of course I tried to convince them to switch. Some of them had company-owned notebooks and were'nt allowed to install software. Others simply didn't care. Hey, if "works better" resulted in "more people using" there would't be so many MS Windows users ou there. ;-) I can advocate free software and I do, but I can't force anyone to change, but I have to live with them to earn my money.

On the other side, I already provided training for some companies which did the full switch: only open office (before there was libre office).

[]s, Fernando Lozano

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