On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 05:51:53PM +0000, Andre Robatino wrote:
> The bug was just closed as NOTABUG with the comment "Get the gnome devs to
> blacklist it." Since you obviously understand this stuff much better than
> me, does that sound like a reasonable response?

To explain this in a bit more detail. Packages can configure to
automatically start programs. This is done by placing files in
/etc/xdg/autostart. Obviously you sometimes only want to start an
application under a certain desktop environment. Or maybe multiple. To
do that, you can have a header like:

Which tells GNOME it should be started. This header is currently in
cinnamon-screensaver.desktop. What's wrong is that Cinnamon has GNOME
there. They should specify Cinnamon and listen to that.

His answer is basically:
- instead of Cinnamon just listening to:
- GNOME should be patched to specifically ignore
  cinnamon-screensaver.desktop and then patched again whenever Cinnamon
  adds more desktop files.

In any case, that is not a solution at all. It just works around things,

Note that a lot of Cinnamon components will now start in GNOME due to
this bug. I've added a more brief comment to Bugzilla.
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