Allegedly, on or about 10 November 2013, Bob Goodwin ~ Zuni, Virginia,
USA sent:
> Am I missing some point here? Is there some connection between dhcp
> and dns that I am not aware of. My dhcp server is in the router and
> deals with about thirty addresses on the LAN and works faultlessly as
> far as I can see.

(Almost) only as far as making sure that your DHCP server tells its
clients the right IP to use for their DNS queries.  Which it looks like
it is, from subsequent replies.

DCHP servers tell the clients various things to configure their network,
one of which is what DNS server IPs to use.  Others are the clients own
IP, and things like the gateway (where the clients connect through to
the outside world), netmask (which sets the boundary between what's
inside or outside).

So, if your clients have proper networking addresses, you can ignore
debugging your DHCP server configuration.  If they have some details
wrong, then you need to check whether your DHCP server is doling out the
right information, or your clients are ignoring it (some people set
manual overriding configurations on their PCs).

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:31:27 UTC 2013 x86_64

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