Allegedly, on or about 23 November 2013, g sent:
> i have a gmail account for other purposes that i pull in emails
> from because some of them i want to reply to and save.
> also, i found that as only way to maintain threads.
> your postings thread and i am wondering you would post a new
> "Subject:" relating to how you are using a gmail account and
> still maintain threading. 

That doesn't scan so well, especially the last paragraph, trying to
understand what you wrote.

It doesn't require gmail to get messages threaded.  Threading is done by
the message headers, each message has its own message ID, each reply has
another header saying which message ID it's in reply to, and there's
another header listing all the message IDs that belong in the same

The last one (in-reply-to) is used by mail clients to group all messages
in a thread together.  The middle one (references) is used to thread
them all together in the right order.

Any mail client can do this.  Any mail client can break this, and some
do, by not not adding in-reply-to headers, and not adding and
maintaining the references header.  When they do that, they bugger it up
for everyone else, as the data has been lost.

Message threading is NOT done by whatever text is written in the subject
line.  Though some broken clients think so.  Some helpful clients will
try to use it, as well as threading headers, to fit in orphaned messages
into a thread (broken by other crappy clients), or to break apart a new
thread out of the middle of an existing one (when the subject line
changed).  The latter not being a particularly good idea, either.

To see messages in their properly threaded order, one needs to use a
mail client that isn't broken in that regard (Evolution, Thunderbird,
and many others work), and pick the option that threads messages in the
message list window.

Conversely, one can unpick that option, and sort messages via some other
criteria - such as by "date," making a mess of the order of messages
(hint - the generational order of which message came first, is done by
what's a reply to what, not the date that it was read or written, dates
are coincidental, not relational).

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.8.13-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon May 13 13:36:17 UTC 2013 x86_64

All mail to my mailbox is automatically deleted, there is no point
trying to privately email me, I will only read messages posted to the
public lists.

George Orwell's '1984' was supposed to be a warning against tyranny, not
a set of instructions for supposedly democratic governments.

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